Green Goblin I (Norman Osborn)

 In: Characters
 Posted: 2004
 Staff: Dave Sippel (E-Mail)
 Staff: Keith Moore (E-Mail)
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Huge Chest Scar Tissue (seemingly healed)


Reddish Brown


5' 11"


185 lbs


Adept at organization. A genius when it came to chemistry and mechanical gadgets.


The vertical-thrust goblin glider, which was powered by a miniature turbo- fan. It could go up to 90 miles per hour and support 400 pounds.


Not quick enough to avoid malfunctioning goblin gliders. Insanity (mitigated by medicated dermal patches)


The Goblin formula dramatically increased Osborn's intellect, although not to superhuman levels. His reflexes, and coordination are heightened. His strength is superhuman.

Strength Level:

Somewhat less than Spider-Man's (lift (press) 10 tons)


Concussive, smoke, gas and incendiary bombs. Gloves capable of conducting pulses of electricity upwards of 10,000 volts. Gas and chemicals able to numb Spider-Man's spider-sense.



Created By:

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko

Current Aliases:

The Goblin-Lord

Current Groups:

leader of the Order of Goblins (derivative from the Cabal of Scriers)

Current Occupation:

CEO of Oscorp, professional supervillain, leader of the Order of Goblins

Dual Identity:

Once secret, publically revealed



Former Groups:

The Enforcers, the Scriers, Dark Avengers, Dark X-Men, Thunderbolts

Former Occupation:


Known Allies:

The Crime-Master (deceased), Kraven the Hunter (former ally), the Scriers, the "Host", Morningstar (Top Cow character), Randall Crowne, Mentallo

Known Confidants:

The Scriers, Mendel Stromm (Robot Master / Gaunt), Spider-Man, Donald Menken, Kolina Frederickson

Known Relatives:

Harold "Harry" Osborn, son with Emily Osborn; Gabriel and Sarah Stacy, twin children with Gwen Stacy; Norman "Normie" Osborn III, grandson; Amberson Osborn/Norman Osborn I, father(presumedly deceased); Emily Osborn, wife(deceased); Liz Osborn (daughter-in-law)

Legal Status:

Criminal record

Major Enemies:


Marital Status:


Place of Birth:

Hartford, Connecticut

Real Name:

Norman Virgil Osborn

Usual Bases:

New York City; Paris, France; Thunderbolts Mountain, OsCorp (located off the Palisades in NYC, so he could see the George Washington bridge)


Norman Osborn was the only child of Amberson Osborn (Norman's father's name is also given as Norman Osborn I in Peter Parker Spider-Man Vol. 2 #25), a drunken and violent man who lost his invention company. During one of his father's rages, young Norman became determined to never be weak came to realize "only the strong survive." His father drove that point home by locking his son (alone) in one of the family homes over night during a thunderstorm to cure Norman's fear of the dark. Norman feared that a green monster was with him, and he came to hate the flashes of light from the lightening. Afraid that the monster would eat him once the house was illuminated, he begged the darkness to stay forever. That night, he came to believe that the darkness was always better than the light.

Norman went to Empire State University on a science scholarship, and he met a happy, vibrant young woman, who later became Emily Osborn. She was able to bring out the best in the brooding young man, despite his constant desire to regain the wealth and power that his family had lost when his father's business failed. Norman and Emily had a son, Harry Osborn. But their happiness didn't last long, as Emily died shortly after Harry was born. The light in his life gone, Norman became even more angry and lustful for power, neglecting Harry in the process. An abusive man, Norman often berated and even beat his son.

Having done well in school with business and chemistry, Norman started his own company, OsCorp, with his old science professor, Dr Mendel Stromm. After having Stromm framed for embezzling, Osborn experimented on researcher Nels Van Adder with one of Norman's own prototype serums.

The results were less than perfect, but in the end, Norman found Stromm's formula notes that let him develop the Green Goblin formula. (The formula was later copied by OsCorp researcher David Patrick Lowell, who became Sundown.) The formula had not been tested thoroughly and blew up in his face. Norman nearly died but discovered that the formula increased both his intelligence and strength. It also drove him insane.

Plotting to become leader of the underworld, Osborn created his Green Goblin personae and decided to establish his reputation by killing Spider-Man. He tried numerous times, including ambushing Spidey in Hollywood with Fancy Dan, Ox and Montana. Devising a compound that would weaken Spider-Man's spider-sense, he followed the Web-slinger undetected. Snatching Spider-Man while he was in his civilian identity of Peter Parker, the Goblin carted him back to a secret hideout. There he revealed to Peter his own secret identity. During the battle, the Goblin came in contact with live wires, which seemed to jolt him into partial amnesia. Since Osborn had no memory of his secret identity, Spider-Man let him go.

The amnesia, however, proved temporary. Osborn several times regained the memories of the Green Goblin and, knowing Spider-Man's own secret identity, came after Parker each time. Ever the master manipulator, The Goblin used other super criminals in his schemes, such as Kraven the Hunter, the Crime Master and Lucky Lobo. For what would be the "final" time, deciding the direct approach wasn't working, the Goblin kidnapped Gwen Stacy, Parker's girlfriend, and killed her, throwing her off of the George Washington Bridge. Although Spider-Man came close to exacting the ultimate revenge for this act at Osborn's warehouse, he pulled back before killing the Goblin. The Goblin was accidentally impaled by his own goblin glider.

Numb with shock after witnessing the event, Harry removed the Goblin's costume and weapons so that the arriving authorities found industrialist Norman Osborn, not the Green Goblin, dead. His secret identity was thus preserved for many years after his apparent death. Harry became the second the Green Goblin and begin his revenge on Peter Parker. Norman, aware that Harry had become the next Goblin, decided to sit back and allow Harry the chance to prove himself as a man.

Though he was in the morgue, Norman Osborn's tale did not end. According to his journals, the chemicals that altered Norman Osborn's strength, intelligence, and sanity also gave him superhuman healing ability. Despite being impaled through the chest, Norman regenerated, and escaped the morgue replacing his body with that of a drifter he murdered (and impaled through the chest). To cover-up the secret of his father's alter-ego, Harry bribed the coroner to fake the autopsy ensuring there would be no record of the Goblin formula in his blood.

Osborn left the United States for Europe. For seven years Norman was in hiding - planning, plotting, waiting for the day to arrive when he would strike back. He joined a legendary society, the cabal of Scriers. There, he quickly rose up the ranks, and made an "unorthodox hostile takeover," expanding his power base.

After Harry disgraced the Osborn family name by being unmasked by Spider-Man as the Goblin, he ended up in a mental institution. Norman sent a Scrier to one of Parker's college biology professors, Dr. Miles Warren (aka, the Jackal). The Scrier promised to help Warren recreate his beloved student, Gwen Stacy, by funding his cloning research. With Miles Warren as a resource, Norman had the means to inflict the ultimate revenge on Spider-Man: the loss of his very identity via the Clone Saga. One of Warren's assistants, Seward Trainer, was caught stealing files by the Scrier. The Scrier promised to keep Trainer's secret in exchange for a future favor.

Norman saw that the Jackal's plans for revenge (killing every man, woman and child on earth with a virus and replacing them with genetically perfected clones) were interfering with his own plans. After the explosive conclusion during the battle between Spider-Man and his clone at Shea Stadium, the Jackal retrieved his clone and put who he thought was the real Peter Parker into a state resembling death. Actually, Norman's Scrier called in his favor from Trainer, having Trainer tinker with the Jackal's equipment such that the Jackal had the identities reversed. Norman allowed the real Peter Parker to walk away from the battle, and dump his clone (in the near-death state) into a smokestack in Brooklyn. The Jackal retrieved the clone's body, and replaced it with the corpse of a earlier failed Parker clone. The clone wandered the country calling himself Ben Reilly.

Later, hearing of the return of his old partner, Mendel Stromm, Norman sent his Scriers to investigate. Although this "Stromm" was just a robot, the Scriers checked the corpse of the real Stromm (who had died of a heart attack years prior) and discovered he was decayed, withered, yet still alive. Stromm had used the original Goblin formula upon himself before his "death," which somehow helped him survive his heart attack. Norman revived Stromm, and outfitted him in a life-support suit where he became known as Gaunt. Through Gaunt, Norman gained technology that allowed his Scrier to appear as a single mystical being, helping him control the Cabal of Scriers. Stromm was also used by Norman as a right hand man, a message carrier and recruiter of other super criminals (such as Jason Macendale and Arcade).

Norman became infuriated over news of Roderick Kingsley's acquisition of his equipment and journal notes, which Kingsley used to become the Hobgoblin. Before he was able to kill Hobgoblin for this indignity, a more important issue came to Norman's attention: Dr Judas Traveller. Norman remained in the shadows, sending a Scrier and a team (the Host) to befriend the criminal psychologist and deranged mutant, whom he also used as a pawn against Spider-Man.

Upon Harry's 'death' as the Goblin from the toxic effects of an updated Goblin formula (a 'death' later found to have been covered up by Norman and Mysterio after Harry 'returned' from the dead), Norman accelerated his revenge against Parker. When Ben Reilly, the long lost clone, returned to New York, the Jackal resurfaced as well. Reilly was drawn to New York because of the recent death of Peter's Aunt May. Interestingly, Norman later revealed that he had a hand in the death of the woman who was buried that day because it was not the real Aunt May, rather an actress Norman hired to fool Peter and cause him emotional pain. Having Ben in New York allowed Norman to push his next plot against Peter into motion, convincing Parker that he was actually a clone. Norman had Gaunt coerce Trainer to tamper with the Jackal's equipment again, so that Ben Reilly would think that he was the true Peter Parker.

After the Jackal's second apparent death, and the true Parkers (with Mary Jane pregnant) moving to Portland, Oregon, Ben Reilly became the new Spider-Man. Norman was not pleased with the happy ending. He had wanted his plot to destroy Peter's sense of humanity by making him think that he was a clone, not having him think of the clone as a brother. In Revelations, Norman returned as the Green Goblin on Halloween night, revealing himself as the mastermind behind the clone saga. Ben Reilly was killed by the Goblin, and disintegrated revealing that he was truly the clone. Mary Jane was poisoned into a premature labor by Osborn employees Alison Mongrain and Doctor Folsome on the same day. It appears Norman somewhere still has custody of the child. (Actually, he doesn't. The child never existed, as Mephisto later erased Peter and MJ's marriage.)

After Norman disappeared in a plume of smoke (Peter had thrown the Goblin's pumpkin bombs right back at him after he killed Ben) he resurfaced and took control of the Daily Bugle, which he used to exonerate his name for all crimes committed by the Green Goblin. (A book had been written by Daily Bugle journalist Ben Urich, accusing Norman of being the original Green Goblin.) He used Mad Jack to force J. Jonah Jameson (his former friend and social club member) into giving him ownership of the Bugle by threatening JJJ's family. He enjoyed taunting Peter while he was at work and used the public setting to have a fake Green Goblin (with help from Doctor Angst) kidnap his own grandson, Norman Osborn Jr. This was all part of Norman's plan to distance himself from the rumors that he was the Green Goblin.

After Spider-Man rescued Normie Osborn, Norman finally got his wish to meet face to face with Roderick Kingsley, the original Hobgoblin. Kingsley had been sent to prison for his crimes as Hobgoblin, but leaked to the press that he had a journal written by the Green Goblin, which gave the Goblin's identity. Norman had the fake Green Goblin free Roderick from jail to find out the location of the journal. Both men tried to out think and double cross the other, but after capturing Spider-Man, Hobgoblin learned that Osborn had managed to steal Kingsley's company right out from under his nose in a hostile take over. A battle followed, with neither Goblin having an advantage. Spidey came to but all three Goblins escaped.

Norman managed to escape an assassination attempt against him from Wilson Fisk, who was removing all obstacles to his return as the Kingpin. The explosion also nearly killed Peter, Norman Jr. and Betty Brant. Later, Norman revealed that he had Aunt May held captive, admitting that he had sent a genetically transformed actress to take her place (and die in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #400). Norman organized and participated in an ancient ritual called "the Gathering of the Five" where he hoped to obtain ultimate power - but instead received insanity.

In the story "The Final Chapter", starting in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #441, Norman was defeated as the Green Goblin by Spider-Man once again after taking part in an ancient ritual that promised the possibility of increased power. He took part in the Gathering of Five with Madame Web, Morris Maxwell, Override and Martha Franklin, all of whom gained different "gifts" from the ritual. (Madame Web received eternal life, Override received "death" and Mattie received the gift of power.) Believing to have received the power, Norman went after Spider-Man with a vengeance. Peter later admitted that Norman seemed stronger than usual, but it was probably just the adrenaline rush from actually gaining the "gift" of madness.

Norman was taken off to jail, but rescued by a small group of loyal Scriers within a few hours. The Scriers killed anyone that had seen beneath the Goblin mask, protecting their leader's secret His sanity maintained by medicated dermal patches, engineered by Dr. Albert Bendix. Norman also organized the Scriers into the Order of the Goblin and he appointed himself the Goblin Lord. In the process of reclaiming his sanity, Norman fell in love with his nurse, Kolina Frederickson.

But that love affair was fleeting, and their relationship ended when he nearly killed her in a fit of rage. During this time period, Norman had not forgotten about Peter Parker either. In a plot with a bizarre twist, Norman attempted to brainwash Peter into becoming his rightful heir and forced him to inherit the Goblin legacy. After kidnapping Peter, he tortured him and forced him to 'face the darkness'. Peter overcame Norman's torture and mind games, leaving Osborn without an heir (that is, if you don't count Harry or his other offspring, to be discussed later).

In a move that showed things to come, Norman's next plot was meant to force Parker into killing him. He slowly chipped away at Peter's sense of safety, showing him pictures of his loved ones in their homes, meant to show him that they were being watched at all times. He forced his own former Daily Bugle assistant, Flash Thompson, to have a drunk driving accident. This accident didn't kill Flash, but it left him in a coma. When Peter finally confronted Osborn, Norman made it clear that one of them was not going to leave alive.

The Goblin's men were watching the fight, and they would kill Peter's family if he didn't kill Norman. If Norman ended up dead, Peter's family lived. Peter still refused to kill Norman, until he threatened his own grandson, Normie. Peter final swore Norman would die, until he remembered a dream that he had about Gwen. She wouldn't want him to kill Norman. He hadn't been a killer when Norman murdered her, and she wouldn't want him to finally become tainted by murder. If Norman's men were going to kill his family, there was nothing he could do about it. Peter walked away, defeating the Goblin by not playing his game.

After many years of evading justice, Norman was finally went to jail. People have been disappearing at Oscorp. New journalist at the Daily Bugle, Terri Kidder, thinks she finally has her first break when she sneaks her way into an interview with Norman Osborn where she asks him about the disappearances. Norman kills her with his bare hands, and dumps the body into a reservoir in Central Park. The Bugle sends a dragnet of reporters to find out what happened to one of their own. Thanks to Ben Urich, after receiving confirmation of Osborn's alter-ego from Spider-Man, the police gain enough evidence for an arrest.

At Oscorp, the Green Goblin explodes out of Norman's office, killing several police officers. Spidey and Jessica Jones (owner of Alias Investigations) pursued, but the Goblin escaped. When Osborn is next seen with his lawyer denying his involvement. His lawyer begs Norman to tell him the truth, but Norman is too far gone and rants to himself. They are about to leave the court house parking lot but Luke Cage (Jessica's boyfriend, enraged that his pregnant girlfriend was injured by the Green Goblin) stops his car from driving off. Norman donned his Goblin mask, and tried to escape the car, but was met with a crushing fist from Cage. Later, unseen in the comics, Norman escaped arrest again, holds a church full of people hostage, only to be captured by Spider-Man and sent to prison.

Once imprisoned, Norman immediately began setting his plan for freedom in motion. May Parker had been kidnapped from her home by an unknown assailant. It was revealed that May had been taken by the Scorpion, who had been hired by Norman to attack the old woman if Osborn should ever be sent to prison. Escaping from prison was a matter of life and death for Norman, whom was considered a dangerous loop hole by his fellow arms dealers. Backstory: After the Second World War, the arms manufacturers became fat and wealthy. OsCorp was one of those manufacturers and the formula that Dr Stromm developed had been meant to be sold to the military. The Age of the Superhero began shortly after the war, and the CEO's of these companies became nervous that these do-gooders would find out about how they had been become so rich through illegal means. They hired many of the new super-criminals to keep the heroes busy and off of the trail of the real danger that the companies presented.

As it turned out, Norman Osborn stole Stromm's formula to become the Green Goblin, which made his fellow weapons builders very nervous. They were afraid that this loose cannon would tell everyone what they had been up to, and became even more nervous once Osborn had been captured and put in jail. To shut him up, Dr Octopus had been brainwashed and given orders to kill Osborn. Norman escaped prison with the help of Spider-Man (who was so desperate to find out what happened to his aunt that he was willing to break his worst enemy out of prison) and the Black Cat. Norman doubled crossed them, leaving them to the tender mercies of the Sinister Twelve. He then kidnapped MJ, taking her to the Queensboro bridge. There, the Green Goblin, Spider-Man and Dr Octopus had a battle royale. Ock and the Goblin were struck by a bolt of lightning, causing them to fall into the river. An unconscious Ock was found by the police, but Norman had escaped.

Norman was once again in Europe and two of his children, Gabriel Stacy and Sarah Stacy, attempted to kill Peter Parker. They believed him to be their wicked father who killed their mother and abandoned them in France. They had been raised by their true father (Norman), who fed them lies as they rapidly aged, thanks to the Goblin Formula's alteration of their DNA. He had promised them that they would inherit his vast fortune and the truth to their past after he had died or been sent to prison. (See the above description of Norman trying to goad Parker into killing him.)

In a flashback it was revealed that Norman had an affair with Gwen Stacy, who was drawn to the troubled man out of sympathy and attraction to his internal power. Gwen gave birth in Paris, France after only 7 months of gestation. (Norman apparently set up his European base of operations in Paris, as that's where he raised Gabriel and Sarah. Paris was also the residence of Alison Mongrain after she kidnapped baby May Parker.) Both Gwen and Mary Jane kept this a secret from Peter. When Gwen sparred with Norman over who would raise the children, Norman chose to kill her on the Brooklyn Bridge on that infamous day, and raise the children as his heirs.

After being captured by S.H.E.I.L.D agents in France, Norman ended up back in prison, where he became an unwilling participant of the Superhuman Registration Act. Tony Stark, aka the Invincible Iron Man, implanted a pain inducing microchip into Osborn's brain, forcing him to become the leader of the new rotation of the Thunderbolts. The Thunderbolts were a group of hardened super criminals (Mac Gargan, Radioactive Man, Bullseye, Songbird and others) that were forced by the American government to hunt down and arrest the unregistered superheroes. Norman had his hands full keeping the Thunderbolts functional as a team, often berating them for fighting like "drunken frat boys" against enemies like Swarm, Moon Knight, Jack Flag and the Steel Spider. It was a job that none of them enjoyed, until they got their big assignment: find Spider-Man.

Norman, Venom and others were waiting for Peter in his new apartment. Norman's mind had been wiped of Spider-Man's true identity by Mephisto, but he knew Peter and Spidey knew each other. As an old friend of the family, Osborn only had the Thunderbolts tear the apartment apart when Peter refused to cooperate. Later, Norman went to visit his son, Harry. Harry had bought their old college hang out, the Coffee Bean and planned on making it into a franchise to impress his father. Norman wasn't impressed.

Norman continued his hunt for Spider-Man, and watched the battle between Spidey, Venom and Anti-Venom. He noticed a small camera nearby that seemed to be taking Spider-Man's pictures during the fight. That was also the time that a Goblin-like new criminal, Menace, appeared and told Norman to back off. Despite being out of costume, Norman quickly overpowered Menace by using a self-destruct code on his glider. He recognized which of his gliders Menace had stolen, and thus knew where it had been stolen from. Menace was aghast that Norman had all this power but only used it to battle Spider-Man again and again. Menace wanted power, riches: things Norman already had. Menace decided Norman wasn't worth the effort and left him. The location that the equipment had been stolen from gave Norman a clue as to Menace's identity, but he kept it to himself.

Menace out of the way, Osborn re-focused on Spider-Man. The camera near the Venom/Anti-Venom/Spider-Man fight was programmed to follow Spider-Man's movements. He duplicated that programming to make sure the Thunderbolts guards guns would track and hit Spider-Man. He sent the guards and Bullseye after Spidey, who escaped with the help of Anti-Venom.

Spider-Man and Anti-Venom brought the fight to Osborn at OsCorp, who was beginning to explain to Harry that all of this was for him. Norman was about to enter the fight when he was tackled by Spider-Man, cutting short his explanation to Harry. Spidey quickly pummeled the Green Goblin to pulp, actually making him scream that his skull was collapsing as Spider-Man used it to smash through a few walls. He only stopped when he saw dozens of people hooked up to machines in a hidden room. (Chinese test subjects supplied by Martin Li.) Spidey demanded to know what was going on, but the Goblin told him he was asking the wrong Osborn. Before he said more, he set a bomb that would explode in six minutes, forcing Spider-Man to rescue the guinea pigs. Norman escaped and returned with the Thunderbolts.

What may be Norman's greatest moment came at the end of the Secret Invasion, as the world's heroes stood against the alien onslaught. As the battle raged, Norman managed to make the kill shot against the shape shifting Skrull queen, who (posing as the Jessica Drew Spider-Woman) was almost revered as a god by the alien creatures. This was broadcast live on television for the whole world to see, making Osborn a world hero. This instant celebrity, along with intercepted data from the Skrull invasion fleet (sent by the mercenary, Deadpool and meant for Nick Fury) gave Osborn unlimited political power. The Dark Reign of Norman Osborn was about to begin, as he became the head of the anti-terrorism unit, H.A.M.M.E.R., formerly S.H.E.I.L.D.

After replacing Tony Stark as the head of S.H.E.I.L.D., Osborn secretly started a cabal of likeminded individuals, such as Loki, Namor, Emma Frost, the Hood, and Doctor Doom. As those individuals pursued their agendas for the world, Osborn and other former Thunderbolts took up the mantle of the Avengers. Norman took Iron Man's place as Iron Patriot, Venom took Spider-Man's place, Daken replaced Wolverine, Moonstone played Ms. Marvel and Bullseye replaced Hawkeye. He made many enemies as the director of H.A.M.M.E.R., including Tony Stark, Deadpool, the Punisher, Nick Fury, the Fantastic Four and the Avengers.

Norman then began his plans for his son. He offered to make Harry a part of the Avengers, which Harry rejected. That is, until his girlfriend, Lily Hollister, revealed that she was pregnant. Harry swore to protect her and their son and joined his father. Meanwhile, Spider-Man infiltrated Avengers Tower disguised as Venom to learn what Norman wanted with Harry. Norman unveiled his new project: American Son, a suit of armor designed to make Harry into a symbol of America. Like Captain America, but under Osborn's control. While snooping around, Spidey was taken by surprise by Daken and Harry. Spidey tried to frame Daken as a spy when Osborn arrived, but Harry told Norman it was a lie. Norman than shot Spider-Man, whom he knew was an impostor all the while.

As Spider-Man was being tortured by Bullseye, Norman let Harry in on his plans. There had been trouble in the testing stage of the enhanced "super soldier serum" that created Captain America. It didn't mix well with the Goblin Formula already in Harry's system. This led to an implied appearance by Gabriel Stacy, who was suspended in a test pod. Norman met with the captured Spider-Man, revealing that he had sent Lily to Harry in order to force him to join the Avengers. Norman demanded that Harry become a worthy heir and as American Son, he finally would be. If Harry decided to fight back, Norman would devise a way to kill him in the line of duty. Besides, Lily was carrying Norman's child, not Harry's. The rage gave Peter the burst of angry energy to break free from the bonds that held him and pummel Norman. Spidey was soon Harry, as American Son.

Harry demanded to know why Norman had gotten Lily pregnant and was told it was because the Goblin Formula wouldn't let Norman have viable offspring (see: the Stacy twins). However, he hoped that the aging aspect could be stabilized if the mother were also exposed to the Goblin Formula, thus he had a child with Lily, who was also Menace. After Harry finally walked away from Norman forever, Norman was talking to Lily and their child. They were going to be fearless and strong. The child was Norman's only offspring now, and they would get revenge on the spider that made Harry dead to Norman.

Norman's run of luck ended after he, H.A.M.M.E.R. and the Dark Avengers attacked Thor's homeland of Asgard. He managed to destroy the home of the gods but was captured at last. He ended up in an above maximum-security facility under the Atlantic Ocean that even the vice president is unaware of. Its unclear what happened to the Cabal of the Scriers, but Osborn now has various former inmates working for him and keeping an eye on Harry and his grandson, Stanley Osborn. By this time, it was found that Lily's child wasn't Norman's: it was Harry's.

As the cult watches Harry and Stan, Norman and several other inmates manage to escape their cells with the aid of a cult member posing as a priest. Norman escaped the underwater facility with the help of a human/spider creature, who spun a web sack to hold in the air around the submarine used to get to the surface. This came in handy when the government heard about the break out and ensuing riot at the prison and ordered it destroyed by a nuclear submarine. The escape sub was damaged in the explosion but was saved by the web sack. Norman is left at the end of the story at the Raft, a much less secure prison in New York, with a fellow escapee posing as his doctor.

Naturally, Osborn escaped with the help of the Goblin Cult. He re-built H.A.M.M.E.R. and staffed it with former agents of A.I.M., the Hand, Hydra and disgruntled S.H.E.I.L.D. members. He created a new team of copycat Avengers, made up of Trickshot, Gorgon, Skaar, Madame Hydra and others. Norman's former second in command of the Dark Avengers is now the liaison to the New Avengers, a team that Spider-Man is a member of. He doesn't trust her and neither do most of the others, but she was appointed by Captain America.

Osborn later blackmailed his way out of jail and formed the Dark Avengers, super villains that mimicked the Avengers. The Dark Avengers were beaten by the real deal and Osborn was eventually beaten, despite having given himself the powers of the Super Adaptoid. (He could absorb anyone's powers after touching touching them, but he was overloaded when all of the Avengers touched him at the same time.) The experience left him in a coma. (New Avengers: vol 2, #20-24)

Later, Norman awoke from his coma at Columbia University Medical Center. (Amazing Spider-Man #697)

"Superior Spider-Man"

He was soon back as the Green Goblin, picking up various criminal thugs whose bosses had been defeated by Spider-Man (Octavius). His first two recruits were children that had worked for the Vulture. (Superior Spider-Man #5)

Norman was soon in his Goblin Lair with the two kids, gleefully exposing a design flaw of one of Spider-Man's spy robots. He sent the kids out to test the flaw of the cameras and they destroyed Mary Jane's dance club. Spider-Man didn't get the notice that the bar was on fire but did capture Tombstone, Owl, and Hammerhead. The mob goons escaped from Spider-Man and were persuaded to join the Goblin Empire by the Green Goblin's thugs. (Superior Spider-Man #10)

After Spider-Man destroyed Shadowland and the Kingpin's empire, Wilson Fisk's gang members were incorporated into the Goblin Underground. Fisk's infrastructure was also taken by the Goblin and Norman now owned 52% of the New York underworld. It was all thanks to Spider-Man, who had removed the criminal heads of the city. (Superior Spider-Man #14)

In the Goblin Underground, the Green Goblin was indignant that the Hobgoblin (Phil Urich) had managed to stumble onto the benefits of the flaw of Spider-Man's camera. (Norman had hacked the spider robots to ignore all crime committed by the Goblin's gang, who were wearing Goblin masks. Anyone wearing a Goblin mask was ignored, including Hobgoblin.) Norman had his gang lay low and turned off the hack to the robots, letting all crime be reported to Spider-Man. Hobgoblin was immediately hunted by Spider-Man. (Superior Spider-Man #15)

After Urich was captured, Norman sent Menace to rescue him from police custody. At the Goblin Underground, Menace brought Urich to Osborn, who gave him a new costume and dubbed him the Goblin Knight. (Superior Spider-Man #16)

Urich quickly got on Osborn's nerves, ranting that he wanted to get back to the fight against Spider-Man, when Urich nearly blew Osborn's cover with the hack on the spider robots. Then again, Urich gave Osborn an idea. (Superior Spider-Man #17)

"End of the Spider-Verse"

Peter took a call from Norman as he headed to work, and was told that an OsCorp truck carrying experimental technology had been hijacked and was headed his way. Peter asked if Norman had put a tracking device in his new high-tech suit, which they had agreed wouldn't happen and Norman replied that he knew where Peter lived and deduced his over sleeping time and most logical route to work. After the truck was rescued, Norman had Spider-Man stay behind to keep the police from impounding the equipment in the truck. Spidey ended the communication link when a plague of spider-wasps arrived, sent by Shathra. Soon after the wasps attacked, so did another one of Spider-Man's totem-related enemies, Morlun. Actually, Spider-Man attacked him before Morlun could move, expecting him to be a threat.

Morlun soon was throwing Spidey around in the street and Norman wanted to know what Peter was doing with his very expensive suit. Every system in the suit was shutting down as Morlun hammered Spider-Man. Soon the entire suit was offline, and Spidey was saved by the timely arrival of Silk, Spider-Woman and Miles Morales. (Spider-Man (vol. 4) #1)

"Dark Web"

While teaching Normie how to play baseball, Norman reflected on the past year after being cleansed of his sins. He pondered that while he had been cleaned of every bad thing he'd ever done, he wondered who he was. For the first time, he felt empathy for the people he'd hurt as the Green Goblin. He'd been trying to fill the emotional hole inside of him by doing good things but he had done so many sadistic things over the years. It had felt good when he'd helped Spider-Man arrest the Hobgoblin, because it had felt like he was hitting himself.

Peter was waiting for Norman at his office, showing him a newspaper that identified him as the Gold Goblin. Peter hoped that some good could come from Norman's "rebranding" and wished him luck. Meanwhile, Norman was uncomfortable that the paper had called him a goblin. After Peter left, a hallucination of the Green Goblin appeared sitting at Norman's desk. The Goblin pulled it's mask off, revealing Harry. He asked Norman how he felt to be a ghost of his real self and said people will eventually realize what he really is.

Norman took a call from a man called Antonio, who said he had "specimens" for him. Norman left and was greeted by an apparition of Gwen Stacy in his elevator, who told him that he wasn't the victim. She introduced him to the concept of guilt and silently followed him on the ride down the building. In his lab, Norman found that someone had written a list of names on his wall of people that the Green Goblin had killed or wronged. (It included Gwen, Peter, Harry, Andreas Strucker, Phil Urich, Flash Thompson, Carlie Cooper, Mary Alice Burke, Terri Kidder, Lyle Krane, the baby, Lindy Reynolds, Mary Jane Watson, Albert Bendix, Seward Trainer, May Parker, and Alison Mongrain.) Norman told himself that he needed to let go of being a goblin.

He soon found himself dressed in his armor attacking a new Jack O'Lantern. Norman didn't know who this new Jack was but had been tracking him and his sales of black-market skeletons. He sold the skeletons to med schools and weirdos, sometimes adding to his inventory from live specimens. During the fight, Osborn unleashed nanobots onto Jack, which worked their way into his armor and uncovered his glider's passcode. He crashed Jack's glider and appeared about to lose control as he stood over him, until some kids asked for his autograph. He signed one of the skulls that Jack had stolen and handed it to the kids. He felt that he was helping his guilt. (Gold Goblin #1)

As the demonic plague swept across the city, Norman wanted to go help but was stopped by Liz. She told him that Normie had already lost his father and she didn’t want him to lose his grandfather also. He was soon driving Liz and his secretary through Central Park. He literally drove through the park, not using the road. He suddenly saw a dog in front of them and swerved to avoid it, crashing right into a tree. As he stumbled out of the car, he saw that the dog was his boyhood pet, Mucky. The dog then growled at him that he had clubbed it to death when Norman was seven. He argued that he hadn’t had a choice and his father would have done worse. Liz yelled at him to help them get through the next six blocks.

At Alchemax, Norman met with Dr. Kafka after the others were safe. He told her how Chasm had told him about his memories being removed and Norman wanted the same for himself. He offered to use himself as a guinea pig and Kafka reminded him of how well that had gone in the past. She asked him if he knew what had happened to his sins and he said he’d never thought of it. She changed to Queen Goblin and said she’d return them to him. He tried to fight but she used her powers overwhelm him with his past. He crashed his glider and Queen Goblin left him alone. He called Peter and asked him when exactly he planned in telling Norman that his sins had created a new goblin.

At his lab, he planned on going after Dr. Kafka before she came back but he was interrupted by the hallucinations of Gwen and Mucky. She asked if he missed killing people, as it had been a while. He got tired of her taunting him and the vision disappeared. Norman assumed that Gwen was another of Queen Goblin’s illusions. (Gold Goblin #2)

Norman had a dream where he was a patient of Dr. Kafka. She wondered if they were getting anywhere with therapy then grabbed his face and said it was “time we really got under the hood.” She yanked off his face to find green skin underneath. She became Queen Goblin and smiled. After he woke, he went back to searching for her, thinking that his sins would die if she died. He just had to find her despite the chaos of the demonic spirits. His guilt never left him, despite saving some kids from their possessed toys. Liz found him at his lab at Alchemax and had him join Normie’s birthday party. He reluctantly agreed but lost his mind when he saw someone dressed as Spider-Man entertaining the kids. He walked away and told Normie he’d be a good man someday. Normie asked if his dad had been good and a hallucination of Harry as the Goblin taunted Norman. He left to be alone.

He was jarred out of his self pity by Jack O’Lantern attacking the birthday party. Norman went after him as the Gold Goblin as Jack mocked him, calling him a murderer. It ended with Goblin dangling Jack over a building but not letting him fall. Norman told him to tell him about himself. Jack was really called Owen Ward. They took off their masks and Owen talked about how he had been a med student that lost his nerve. He needed money and remembered the skeleton trade from med school, so started stealing corpses. Norman had been a hero of his and inspired him to be Jack O’Lantern. Norman offered to get Owen help, just as Normie arrived. Owen apologized for ruining his birthday and he forgave him. (Gold Goblin #3)

”Maxed Out”

Checking on Peter’s lab at OsCorp, Norman found Peter working with spiders that used to be part of Spiders-Man. (That was a being from another reality made up of intelligent spiders that worked together as a humanoid vigilante.) Peter demonstrated that if one of them were in danger, the others would also sense it. Peter wanted to duplicate that ability to sense when other people were in danger, which Norman refused to allow. Research like that led him to become the Green Goblin, which Peter replied is why he needed him. The Goblin had created weapons that negated his spider sense, which made Norman an authority on how his senses worked. It was time to put his work as the Green Goblin to a positive use. They duplicated the ability to sense danger for others and Spider-Man immediately responded to people in danger all over the city, to Norman’s irritation. (Spider-Man (vol. 4) #7)

Norman went after Peter as the Gold Goblin, dragging him back to the lab after hitting him with a gas bomb. Peter woke up with his spider sense turned off and had been unconscious for hours. He ran to May’s for a dinner party and Norman reluctantly followed him. Norman had a cold reception from the other guests, the Robertsons, Jonah Jameson and Anna Watson. Robbie reminded Norman that he had been a friend of the Stacy family and some things are never forgiven. Norman replied that Randy was marrying the daughter of Tombstone, despite years of bad blood with the Robertsons. He must believe in second chances. Jonah took Norman aside and said they both knew Peter’s secret, so Jonah knew Norman was keeping eyes on Peter. Norman reminded him that he knew Peter’s double life because of Jonah but he was a different man trying to make amends.

The gas from the pumpkin bomb began to wear off and Peter’s spider sense began to blare again. He said he needed to get back to the lab and was followed by Norman and Jonah. Norman changed to Gold Goblin on a rooftop and was met by Spider-Boy, who claimed to be Peter’s sidekick. Spider-Boy told him to get to the lab and work on a cure while he helped his overwhelmed friend. (Spider-Man (vol. 4) #9)

At his lab, Norman tried to undo the hive mind connection when May barged in past his security. She warned him to not drag her nephew into his desire to right wrongs. Norman shooed her out, having thought of an idea. The Gold Goblin found both spider men over the defeated Electro and demanded that the situation be fixed immediately. He shot Spidey with an energy gun, bringing his heightened sense under control. He’d also never be able to increase it again, to Spider-Man’s horror. Goblin refused to change him back, saying some things can’t be undone. A firefighter told Spidey that he had been in over his head and that could have cost lives. Spider-Man left and the firefighter told Goblin that he could make a donation to firefighters foundation. (Spider-Man (vol. 4) #10)

Image Gallery


Cover Date Appearance Information
Year 1994 FB: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) Annual #14 (Story 1)
  Flashback to Norman's childhood, Norman kills family dog
Jun 2009 FB: Amazing Spider-Man: Extra #3 (Story 2)
  Flashback to Norman raising Harry as a single father
Aug 1997 FB, Cameo: Spider-Man Unlimited #17
  Flashback to Stromm's arrest
Jul 1997 FB: Flashback - Peter Parker: Spider-Man #Minus 1
  Flashback to Proto-Goblin
Year 1995 App: Tales Of The Marvels: Inner Demons
  Norman and the Enforcers confront an amnesiac Namor
Sep 1995 App: Untold Tales of Spider-Man #1
  Norman steals the schematics he hired the Scorcher to attain
Oct 1995 Cameo: Untold Tales of Spider-Man #2
  Osborn spotted at a social function
Dec 1995 Cameo: Untold Tales of Spider-Man #4
  Osborn attends The Spacemen's parade
Apr 1996 App: Untold Tales of Spider-Man #8
Jul 1964 1st: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #14
  First official appearance of the Green Goblin
Feb 1997 App: Untold Tales of Spider-Man #18
Oct 1964 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #17
  Return of Green Goblin
Apr 1997 App: Untold Tales of Spider-Man #20
Nov 1964 Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #18
Jun 1997 App: Untold Tales of Spider-Man #22
Year 1997 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) Annual 1997
  Flashback to Norman shuts down Lowell'ls photogenesis project
Year 1997 App: Untold Tales of Spider-Man Annual 1997 (Story 1)
Apr 1965 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #23
  Green Goblin appearance, also an unofficial Norman Osborn cameo
Sep 1997 App: Untold Tales of Spider-Man #25
Jun 1965 Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #25
  Another unofficial Norman Osborn cameo at JJJ's club
Jul 1965 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #26
  Green Goblin appearance, also an unofficial Norman Osborn cameo
Aug 1965 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #27
Feb 1994 Cameo: Marvels #2
  Osborn attends Reed & Sue Richards' wedding
Jun 1966 1st: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #37
  First official appearance of Norman Osborn
Jul 1982 FB, Cameo: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #68
  Flashback to Osborn firing a gun at Stromm; causing his 'death'
Jul 1966 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #38
Aug 1966 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #39
  Discovers Spider-Man's secret identity.
Sep 1966 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #40
  Face revealed, origin told.
Jul 2002 App: Spider-Man: Blue #1 (Story 1)
  Occurs within the evens of ASM #39 and #40, Peter visits Norman in hospital
Apr 1967 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #47
  Harry introduces Norman and Peter for the first time
Dec 1997 FB: Deadpool (Vol. 1) #11
  revisits the events of ASM #47
Dec 2002 FB: Spider-Man: Blue #6
  Occurs within the events of ASM #47
Year 1996 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) Annual 1996 (Story 1)
  Flashback to Kraven ends his alliance with Norman
Year 1967 Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) Annual #4 (Story 1)
  Green Goblin cameo
Jun 1968 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #61
Jul 1968 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #62
Aug 1968 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #63
Oct 1968 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #65
Nov 1968 App: Spectacular Spider-Man Magazine #2
  First regains Green Goblin memories.
Nov 1968 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #66
  Occurs within Spectacular Magazine #2 Story.
Nov 2004 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #512
  Flashback to affair with Gwen Stacy and the birth of her twins
Mar 1971 Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #94
  Green Goblin cameo
May 1971 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #96
  Regains Green Goblin memories for the second time.
Jun 1971 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #97
Jul 1971 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #98
Oct 1995 App: Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #405
  Occurs within Amazing #98.
Sep 1971 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #100
  Green Goblin apparition
Feb 1972 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #105
Feb 1973 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #117
Apr 1973 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #119
Jun 1973 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #121
  Kills Gwen Stacy
Jul 1973 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #122
Apr 1994 App: Marvels #4
  Phil Sheldon witnesses the Green Goblin abducting Gwen Stacy
Sep 1974 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #136
  Flashback to the death of Gwen Stacy/Green Goblin
Jun 1975 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #145
  Flashback to the death of Gwen Stacy
Jun 1978 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #181
  Flashback to death of Gwen Stacy
Apr 1985 FB: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #101
  Flashback to the death of Gwen Stacy
Apr 1986 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #275
  Flashback to the death of Gwen Stacy
Year 1987 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) Annual #21
  Flashback to the death of Gwen Stacy
Apr 1987 FB, Cameo: Power Pack #29
  Flashback to the Death of Gwen Stacy
Nov 1994 FB: Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #118
  Flashback to the death of Gwen Stacy
Apr 1998 FB, Cameo: X-Man #37
  Spidey relives the death of Gwen Stacy
Jan 1999 FB: Webspinners Tales of Spider-Man #1 (Story 2)
  Flashback to the death of Gwen Stacy
Dec 1999 FB: Webspinners Tales of Spider-Man #12
  Flashback to the death of Gwen Stacy
Feb 2001 FB: Peter Parker: Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #26
  Flashback to the death of Gwen Stacy
Dec 2003 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #500
  Spider-Man relives death of Gwen Stacy
Aug 2004 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #509
  Flashback to death of Gwen Stacy (albeit a historically inaccurate FB)
Mar 2006 FB: Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do #6
  Death of Gwen Stacy flashback
Feb 2007 FB: Iron Man Captain America: Casualties of War
  Flashback to the death of Gwen Stacy
Jul 2007 FB: Fallen Son: Spider-Man
  Flashback to the death of Gwen Stacy
Oct 2007 FB: Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #40
  Flashback to the 'death' of the Green Goblin
Jun 2009 FB, Cameo: Timestorm 2009-2099 #1
  Flashback to the death of Gwen Stacy
Apr 2011 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #655
  Flashback to the death of Gwen Stacy
Nov 2012 FB, Cameo: Avenging Spider-Man #11
  Flashback to death of Green Goblin
Dec 2016 App: Dead No More: Clone Conspiracy #1 (Story 2)
  Retcon for death of Gwen Stacy; she's awake for fall and hears Peter
Aug 1973 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #123
  Norman Osborn's corpse is discovered
May 1976 App: Marvel Team-Up #45
  Green Goblin apparition
Feb 1978 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #177
  Green Goblin origin retold
Nov 1978 FB, Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #186
  Spider-Man cleared of charges/suspicion in deaths of Osborn and Capt. Stacy
Nov 1979 FB, Cameo: Spider-Woman #20
  Green Goblin cameo
Mar 1983 FB, Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #238
  Norman Osborn/Green Goblin flashback
Feb 1984 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #249
  Norman Osborn/Green Goblin flashback
Jan 1985 FB, Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #260
  Norman Osborn/Green Goblin flashback/cameo
Year 1984 Cameo: Questprobe #2: Spider-Man Computer Game Promo (Story 1)
  Green Goblin cameo
Feb 1985 FB, Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #261
  Norman Osborn/Green Goblin flashback/cameo
Mar 1986 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #274
  Norman Osborn/Green Goblin apparition
Year 1987 App: Avengers (Vol. 1) Annual #16
Feb 1989 FB, Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #312
  Norman Osborn/Green Goblin flashback
May 1989 Cameo: Spider-Man: Parallel Lives
  Green Goblin cameo
Jul 1991 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #178
  Harry is haunted by Norman's ghost
Aug 1991 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #179
  Harry is haunted by Norman's ghost (cont.)
Sep 1991 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #180
  Harry is haunted by Norman's ghost (cont.)
Oct 1991 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #181
  Harry is haunted by Norman's ghost (cont.)
Dec 1991 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #183
  Harry is haunted by Norman's ghost (cont.)
Year 1991 App: Web of Spider-Man Annual #7 (Story 1)
  Green Goblin origin retold
Feb 1992 Cameo: Spider-Man: Fear Itself
  Green Goblin cameo
Jul 1992 Cameo: Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #24
  Green Goblin cameo
Jul 1992 App: Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #90
  Apparition of the Green Goblin (and the Goblin League) attacks Spidey
Aug 1992 Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #365 (Story 1)
  Norman Osborn cameo
Year 1992 FB, Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) Annual #26 (Story 5)
  Green Goblin cameo
Year 1992 FB, Cameo: Web of Spider-Man Annual #8 (Story 4)
  Peter reads newspaper clip recalling events of Amazing Spider-Man #17
Jul 1993 App: Sensational She-Hulk #53
Jul 1994 FB, Cameo: NFL Pro Action: Amazing Spider-Man "The Goblin Strikes" #1
  Norman Osborn cameo; Harry appears as the Green Goblin
May 2014 App: Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #11
  Norman and Otto's untold tale
Nov 1993 BTS: Spider-Man Unlimited #3 (Story 1)
  Norman operates behind the scenes to kill Ock's ex-fiancee
Jun 2014 App: Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #12
  Norman and Otto's untold tale part 2
Jun 1994 Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #390
  Painting of Norman and Harry enrages Spider-Man
Oct 1994 App: Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #51 (Story 1)
  Green Goblin apparition haunts Peter
Apr 1995 App: Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #57 (Story 1)
  Green Goblin haunts Peter
Jun 1995 FB, Cameo: Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #125 (Story 1)
Year 1995 FB, Cameo: Sensational Spider-Man #3 (Ashcan Giveaway, Wizard 52)
  Green Goblin cameo/Death of Gwen Stacy flashback
Jan 1996 Cameo: UltraForce/Spider-Man #1
  Green Goblin cameo
Feb 1996 FB: Green Goblin #5
  Phil Urich sees Norman Osborn/Green Goblin apparition
Jun 1996 FB, Cameo: Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #5
Jun 1996 FB: Spider-Man: Legacy of Evil
  Norman Osborn/Green Goblin flashback
Sep 1996 FB, Cameo: Daredevil (Vol.1) #356
  Phil Urich's actions provoke memories of Norman's Goblin past
Jan 2009 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #581
  Flashback to Norman covering up Harry's death
Mar 2005 FB: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #24
  Flashback to Norman raising the Stacy twins
Sep 2010 FB: American Son #3
  Flashback to Norman raising Gabriel in Europe
Jun 1996 BTS: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #412
  Shadowed appearance of Osborn as clone mastermind
Feb 1997 App: Spider-Man: The Osborn Journal
  Norman unveils his various schemes while operating in Europe
Nov 1996 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #240
  Shadowed appearance, kills Seward Trainer
Dec 1996 App: Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #11
  Shadowed appearance, instructs Gaunt
Dec 1996 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #418
Dec 1996 App: Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #75
  Kills Ben Reilly
Feb 1998 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #254
Aug 1997 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #248
Sep 1997 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #249
Aug 1997 Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #426
  Green Goblin cameo
Oct 1997 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #250
Nov 1997 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #251
Dec 1997 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #252
Nov 1997 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #429
Dec 1997 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #430
Feb 1998 App: Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #88
Feb 1998 App: Iron Man (Vol. 3) #1
Mar 1998 App: X-Men (Vol. 2) #73
  Norman Osborn amongst members of the Hellfire Club
Mar 1998 App: Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #25
Mar 1998 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #432
Mar 1998 App: Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #89
Mar 1998 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #255
Apr 1998 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #256
May 1998 App: Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #27
May 1998 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #434
May 1998 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #257
Jun 1998 App: Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #28
Jun 1998 App: Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #92
Jun 1998 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #258
Jul 1998 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #259
Aug 1998 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #260
Aug 1998 App: Spider-Man: Made Men
Year 1998 Cameo: Untold Tales of Spider-Man: Strange Encounter
  Green Goblin cameo
Sep 1998 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #261
  Norman battles Kingsley.
Sep 1998 App: Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #95
Oct 1998 App: Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #32
Oct 1998 App: Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #96
Oct 1998 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #440
Oct 1998 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #262
Nov 1998 App: Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #33
Nov 1998 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #441
  The Gathering of the Five, deeper insanity.
Nov 1998 App: Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #97
Nov 1998 App: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #263
Nov 1998 App: Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #98
Jan 2011 FB: Spider-Girl (Vol. 2) #1 (Story 1)
  Flashback to a battle between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin, which claimed the life of a bike messenger
Jan 1999 FB, Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #1 (Story 1)
  Norman Osborn/Green Goblin flashback/cameo
Mar 1999 FB, Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #3
  Norman Osborn flashback/cameo
May 1999 FB, Cameo: Peter Parker: Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #5
  Norman Osborn/Green Goblin flashback/cameo
Jul 1999 FB: Spider-Woman (Vol. 3) #1
  Flashback to Gathering of Five
Sep 1999 FB, Cameo: Spider-Woman (Vol. 3) #3
  Norman Osborn flashback cameo
Year 2000 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) Annual 2000 (Story 1)
  Flashback to Norman and the Scriers after the Gathering of Five fallout
Feb 2000 FB, Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #14
  Norman Osborn flashback cameo
Mar 2000 FB, Cameo: Spider-Woman (Vol. 3) #9
  Norman Osborn flashback cameo
Jun 2000 FB, Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #18
  Norman Osborn/Green Goblin flashback cameo
Jul 2000 Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #19
  Green Goblin cameo
Aug 2000 FB, Cameo: Peter Parker: Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #20
  Green Goblin flashback cameo
Oct 2000 App: Spider-Man: Revenge of the Green Goblin #1
  Forms Order of the Goblin, plots to turn Peter Parker into his new heir.
Nov 2000 App: Spider-Man: Revenge of the Green Goblin #2
Nov 2000 FB, Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #23
  Green Goblin flashback/cameo
Dec 2000 App: Spider-Man: Revenge of the Green Goblin #3
Jan 2001 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #25
  Kidnaps Peter Parker.
Jan 2001 App: Peter Parker: Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #25
  Fails to convert Peter into his heir.
Feb 2001 Cameo: Iron Man (Vol. 3) #37
  Norman Osborn cameo
Feb 2001 Cameo: Sentry/Spider-Man
  Green Goblin cameo
May 2001 Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #29
  Norman Osborn cameo
Dec 2001 Cameo: Defenders (Vol. 2) #10
  Green Goblin summoned to distant world to fight the Defenders
Date TBD Cameo: X-Men Unlimited #33
  Green Goblin apparition
Jun 2002 App: Spider-Man Tangled Web #13
Aug 2002 App: Peter Parker: Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #44
  Resumes attempts to provoke Spider-Man to violence
Aug 2002 App: Peter Parker: Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #45
Sep 2002 App: Peter Parker: Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #46
Oct 2002 App: Peter Parker: Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #47
  Spider-Man refuses to fight
May 2004 App: The Pulse #2
  Kills Daily Bugle reporter Terri Kidder
Jul 2004 App: The Pulse #3
Sep 2004 App: The Pulse #4
  Police come to arrest Osborn, escapes as the Goblin
Nov 2004 App: The Pulse #5
  Osborn to face trial, Luke Cage publically exposes him as the Goblin
Jun 2004 App: Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #1
  Kidnaps church-goers, defeated by Spider-Man
Jul 2004 App: Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #2
  In jail
Nov 2004 App: Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #6
  In jail
Feb 2005 App: Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #9
Mar 2005 App: Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #10
Apr 2005 App: Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #11
May 2005 App: Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #12
Aug 2004 FB, Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #509
  Green Goblin flashback/cameo
Dec 2004 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #513
Jan 2005 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #514
Mar 2005 Cameo: Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #23
  Osborn cameo in jail/Flashback to death of Gwen Stacy
Feb 2000 Cameo: Black Panther (Vol. 3) Marvel Knights #16
  Osborn cameo in jail
Aug 2006 App: Civil War: Front Line #2 (Story 1)
Aug 2006 Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #533
  Norman Osborn cameo
Sep 2006 App: Civil War: Front Line #4
Sep 2006 App: Civil War: Front Line #5 (Story 1)
Oct 2006 App: Civil War: Front Line #7
Nov 2006 App: Civil War: Front Line #8
Nov 2006 App: Civil War: Front Line #9
Oct 2006 App: Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #29
  Green Goblin apparition confronts Spider-Man
Jan 2007 Cameo: Iron Man (Vol. 4) #14
  Osborn cameo in SHIELD prison cells
Jan 2007 Cameo: Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #32
  Green Goblin cameo amongst villains
Dec 2006 App: Civil War: Front Line #11
Apr 2007 Cameo: Civil War: The Initiative
  Green Goblin cameo
Mar 2007 App: Thunderbolts #110
Apr 2007 App: Thunderbolts #111
May 2007 App: Thunderbolts #112
Jun 2007 App: Thunderbolts #113
Aug 2007 App: Thunderbolts #115
Jun 2009 App: Fusion #2
  Top Cow/Marvel crossover; Avengers/Thunderbolts meet Hunter-Killer/Cyberforce
Jul 2009 App: Fusion #3
Sep 2007 App: Thunderbolts: Desperate Measures
Sep 2007 App: Sub-Mariner (Vol. 2) #2
Dec 2007 App: Iron Man (Vol. 4) #23
Nov 2007 App: Penance Relentless #1
Dec 2007 App: Penance Relentless #2
Jan 2008 App: Penance Relentless #3
Year 2007 App: Marvel Europa
  Brief Green Goblin Appearance
Feb 2008 App: Penance Relentless #4
Mar 2008 App: Penance Relentless #5
May 2008 App: Iron Man (Vol. 4) #27
Jun 2008 App: Iron Man (Vol. 4) #28
Jan 2008 App: Thunderbolts: Breaking Point
Apr 2008 App: Thunderbolts: International Incident
Apr 2008 Cameo: Clandestine (Vol. 2) #1
Oct 2007 App: Thunderbolts #116
Dec 2007 App: Thunderbolts #117
Mar 2008 App: Thunderbolts #118
May 2008 App: Thunderbolts #119
Jul 2008 App: Thunderbolts #120
  Norman dons the Goblin attire while under the mind control of Thunderbolts' prisoners
Aug 2008 App: Thunderbolts #121
May 2008 FB, Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #553
  Green Goblin flashback cameo
Jul 2008 App: Thunderbolts: Reason in Madness
Oct 2008 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #568 (Story 1)
Oct 2008 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #569
Nov 2008 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #570
Nov 2008 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #571
Nov 2008 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #572
Dec 2008 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #573 (Story 1)
Oct 2008 App: Moon Knight (Vol. 6) #21
  Norman and the Thunderbolts confront the Moon Knight
Nov 2008 App: Moon Knight (Vol. 6) #22
Dec 2008 App: Moon Knight (Vol. 6) #23
Jan 2009 App: Moon Knight (Vol. 6) #24
Feb 2009 App: Moon Knight (Vol. 6) #25
  Marc Spector fakes death to avoid capture
Sep 2008 App: Thunderbolts #122
Jun 2008 App: Secret Invasion #1
Aug 2008 App: Secret Invasion #3
Oct 2008 App: Thunderbolts #123
Oct 2008 App: Secret Invasion #5
Nov 2008 App: Secret Invasion #6
Nov 2008 App: Thunderbolts #124
Dec 2008 App: Thunderbolts #125
Dec 2008 App: Deadpool (Vol. 4) #3
  Norman steals Skrull data from Deadpool
Dec 2008 App: Secret Invasion #7
Jan 2009 App: Secret Invasion #8
  Norman kills the Skrull Queen, the Dark Reign begins
Jan 2009 App: Thunderbolts #126
  While in DC, Norman publicly criticizes Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D.
Jan 2009 App: Secret Invasion Front Line #5
  Ben Urich confronts Norman Osborn publicly
Feb 2009 App: Secret Invasion: Dark Reign
  continues the SI #8 epilogue, Norman greets the Dark Illuminati, he intimidates them with the Sentry
Feb 2009 App: Dark Reign: New Nation
Feb 2009 App: Mighty Avengers #20
  Norman attends Janet Pym's funeral
Feb 2009 App: New Avengers (Vol. 1) #48
Mar 2009 1st: Dark Avengers #1
  First appearance of the Iron Patriot, Norman forms his avengers team
Mar 2009 App: New Avengers (Vol. 1) #49
  Norman returns Luke Cage's stolen (by the Skrulls) child
Apr 2009 App: New Avengers (Vol. 1) #50
  Clint Barton publicly attacks Norman Osborn
Feb 2009 App: Invincible Iron Man #8
  World's Most Wanted arc begins
Mar 2009 App: Invincible Iron Man #9
Apr 2009 App: Invincible Iron Man #10
May 2009 App: Invincible Iron Man #11
Jun 2009 App: Invincible Iron Man #12
Jul 2009 App: Invincible Iron Man #13
Aug 2009 App: Invincible Iron Man #14
Feb 2009 App: War Machine (Vol. 2) #1
Mar 2009 App: War Machine (Vol. 2) #2
Apr 2009 App: War Machine (Vol. 2) #3
Jun 2009 App: War Machine (Vol. 2) #5
Mar 2009 App: Uncanny X-Men Annual (Vol. 2) #2
Apr 2009 App: Dark Avengers #2
May 2009 App: Dark Avengers #3
Jun 2009 App: Dark Avengers #4
Jul 2009 App: Dark Avengers #5
Aug 2009 App: Dark Avengers #6
Mar 2009 App: Thunderbolts #128
Apr 2009 App: Thunderbolts #129
Jun 2009 App: Dark Reign: The Cabal
Mar 2009 App: Mighty Avengers #21
May 2009 App: Mighty Avengers #23
Jun 2009 App: Mighty Avengers #24
Mar 2009 App: Punisher (Vol. 8) #1
Apr 2009 App: Punisher (Vol. 8) #2
Jul 2009 App: Punisher (Vol. 8) #5
Oct 2009 App: Punisher (Vol. 8) #8
Apr 2009 App: Agents of Atlas (Vol. 2) #1
Jun 2009 App: Agents of Atlas (Vol. 2) #3
Jul 2009 App: Agents of Atlas (Vol. 2) #5
Sep 2009 App: Agents of Atlas (Vol. 2) #8
Apr 2009 App: Deadpool (Vol. 4) #7
May 2009 App: Deadpool (Vol. 4) #8
  Magnus Opus pt. 1, Deadpool/T-bolts crossover
May 2009 App: Thunderbolts #130
Jun 2009 App: Deadpool (Vol. 4) #9
Jun 2009 App: Thunderbolts #131
  Magnus Opus pt. 4
Mar 2009 App: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 2) #35
  Iron Patriot cameo
Apr 2009 App: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 2) #36
May 2009 App: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 2) #37
Apr 2009 App: Thor (Vol. 3) #600
May 2009 App: Captain America (Vol. 5) #48
Apr 2009 Cameo: Wolverine Origins #33
  Iron Patriot cameo on computer monitor
May 2009 App: Wolverine Origins #34
Jul 2009 Cameo: Wolverine Origins #36
  Iron Patriot cameo on newspaper
May 2009 App: Dark Reign: Elektra #1
Jun 2009 App: Dark Reign: Elektra #2
Jul 2009 App: Dark Reign: Elektra #3
Aug 2009 App: Dark Reign: Elektra #4
Sep 2009 App: Dark Reign: Elektra #5
May 2009 App: Incredible Hercules #127
Jun 2009 App: Incredible Hercules #128
Jan 2010 App: Assault on New Olympus
Jun 2009 App: All New Savage She-Hulk #1
Jul 2009 App: All New Savage She-Hulk #2
Aug 2009 App: All New Savage She-Hulk #3
Sep 2009 App: All New Savage She-Hulk #4
Nov 2009 App: Incredible Hulk (Vol. 1) #602
  Osborn updates General Ryker regarding the new She-Hulk
Jul 2009 App: Deadpool (Vol. 4) #10
Sep 2009 App: Deadpool (Vol. 4) #12
Jun 2009 App: Dark Reign: Hawkeye #1
Jul 2009 App: Dark Reign: Hawkeye #2
Aug 2009 App: Dark Reign: Hawkeye #3
May 2009 App: Avengers: The Initiative #23
Jun 2009 App: Avengers: The Initiative #24
Jul 2009 App: Avengers: The Initiative #25
Jun 2009 App: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 2) #38
Jul 2009 App: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 2) #39
Aug 2009 App: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 2) #40
Sep 2009 App: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 2) #41
Jul 2009 App: Captain Britain and MI 13 #13
Jul 2009 App: Planet Skaar Prologue
Jul 2009 App: Skaar Son of Hulk #11
Jun 2009 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #594
Jun 2009 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #595
Jun 2009 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #596
Jun 2009 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #597
Jun 2009 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #598
Jul 2009 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #599
Jul 2010 FB: American Son #1 (Story 1)
  Flashback to Norman working on American Son project
Oct 2009 FB: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #603
  Flashback to American Son
Date TBD App: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3
Date TBD App: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #4
Sep 2009 App: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #5
Aug 2009 App: Dark Reign: The Hood #2
Aug 2009 App: Dark Wolverine #75
Sep 2009 App: Dark Wolverine #76
Oct 2009 App: Dark Wolverine #77
Sep 2009 App: Dark X-Men: The Beginning #1
Sep 2009 App: Dark X-Men: The Beginning #2
Oct 2009 App: Dark X-Men: The Beginning #3
Apr 2010 FB: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 2) #50 (Story 1)
  Flashback to Mystique working for Osborn
Aug 2009 App: X-Men Legacy #225
Sep 2009 App: Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #513
Sep 2009 App: Dark Avengers #7
Oct 2009 App: Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #514
Oct 2009 App: Dark Avengers #8
Oct 2009 App: Invincible Iron Man #16
Nov 2009 App: Invincible Iron Man #17
Dec 2009 App: Invincible Iron Man #18
Jan 2010 App: Invincible Iron Man #19
Feb 2010 App: Invincible Iron Man #20
  World's Most Wanted epilogue
Aug 2009 App: Dark Reign: Lethal Legion #1
Sep 2009 App: Dark Reign: Lethal Legion #2
Nov 2009 App: Dark Reign: Lethal Legion #3
Aug 2009 App: Dark Reign: Young Avengers #2
Sep 2009 App: Dark Reign: Young Avengers #3
Nov 2009 App: Dark Reign: Young Avengers #4
Dec 2009 App: Dark Reign: Young Avengers #5
Aug 2009 App: Dark Reign: Zodiac #1
Sep 2009 App: Dark Reign: Zodiac #2
Oct 2009 App: Dark Reign: Zodiac #3
Sep 2009 App: Dark Reign: Mr. Negative #2
Oct 2009 App: Dark Reign: Mr. Negative #3
Sep 2009 App: Dark Reign: The Goblin Legacy
Aug 2009 App: War Machine (Vol. 2) #7
Sep 2009 App: War Machine (Vol. 2) #8
Nov 2009 App: War Machine (Vol. 2) #9
Dec 2009 App: War Machine (Vol. 2) #10
Aug 2009 App: Thunderbolts #133
Sep 2009 App: Thunderbolts #134
Oct 2009 App: Thunderbolts #135
May 2010 FB: Wolverine Mr. X
  Flashback to Norman asking Mr. X to join the Thunderbolts
Dec 2009 App: Skrull Kill Krew (Vol. 2) #5
Oct 2009 App: Secret Warriors #7
Nov 2009 App: Secret Warriors #8
Dec 2009 App: Secret Warriors #9
Sep 2009 App: Captain America: Reborn #1
Oct 2009 App: Captain America: Reborn #2
Jan 2010 App: Captain America: Reborn #4
Mar 2010 App: Captain America: Reborn #6
Sep 2009 App: Timestorm 2009-2099 #4
Nov 2009 App: Dark Reign: Made Men
Nov 2009 App: Dark Reign The List: Daredevil
Mar 2010 App: Daredevil (Vol.1) #504
Nov 2009 App: Dark Reign The List: X-Men
Nov 2009 App: Dark X-Men: The Confession
Sep 2009 App: Avengers: The Initiative #26
Nov 2009 App: Avengers: The Initiative #28
Dec 2009 App: Avengers: The Initiative #29
Feb 2010 App: Dark Avengers Annual #1
  Marvel Boy gets new suit, leaves the Dark Avengers
Oct 2009 App: New Avengers (Vol. 1) #56
Nov 2009 App: New Avengers (Vol. 1) #57
Dec 2009 App: New Avengers (Vol. 1) #58
Jan 2010 App: New Avengers (Vol. 1) #59
Feb 2010 App: New Avengers (Vol. 1) #60
Nov 2009 App: Dark Reign The List: Avengers
Feb 2010 App: New Avengers (Vol. 1) Annual #3
Oct 2009 App: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 2) #43
  War of the Marvels begins
Oct 2009 App: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 2) #44
Nov 2009 App: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 2) #45
Dec 2009 App: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 2) #46
  War of the Marvels conclusion
Jan 2010 FB, Cameo: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 2) #47
  Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel discuss Norman
Nov 2009 App: Wolverine Weapon X #5
Nov 2009 App: Dark Avengers #9
Dec 2009 App: Dark Avengers #10
Jan 2010 App: Dark Avengers #11
Feb 2010 App: Dark Avengers #12
Dec 2009 App: Dark Avengers: Ares #1
Feb 2010 App: Dark Avengers: Ares #3
Nov 2009 App: Dark Wolverine #78
Dec 2009 App: Dark Wolverine #79
Jan 2010 App: Dark Wolverine #80
Feb 2010 App: Dark Wolverine #81
Oct 2009 App: Hulk (Vol. 2) #13
Dec 2009 App: Dark Reign The List: Hulk
Dec 2009 App: Dark Reign The List: Punisher
Dec 2009 App: Dark Reign The List: Secret Warriors
Dec 2009 App: Dark Reign The List: Wolverine
Dec 2009 App: Mighty Avengers #30
Feb 2010 App: Mighty Avengers #32
Mar 2010 App: Mighty Avengers #33
Nov 2009 App: Thunderbolts #136
Dec 2009 App: Thunderbolts #137
Jan 2010 App: Thunderbolts #138
Feb 2010 App: Thunderbolts #139
Mar 2010 App: Thunderbolts #140
Jan 2010 App: Deadpool (Vol. 4) #17
Feb 2010 App: Deadpool (Vol. 4) #18
Jan 2010 App: Dark X-Men #1
Feb 2010 App: Dark X-Men #2
Mar 2010 App: Dark X-Men #3
Apr 2010 App: Dark X-Men #4
May 2010 App: Dark X-Men #5
Jan 2010 App: War Machine (Vol. 2) #11
Feb 2010 App: War Machine (Vol. 2) #12
Apr 2010 App: S.W.O.R.D. #4
  Norman ponders his image amongst Presidents at Rushmore
Nov 2009 App: Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1
Dec 2009 App: Vengeance of the Moon Knight #2
Apr 2010 App: Vengeance of the Moon Knight #5
Jan 2010 App: Dark Reign The List: The Amazing Spider-Man (Story 1)
Mar 2010 App: Dark Avengers #13
Apr 2010 App: Dark Avengers #14
May 2010 App: Dark Avengers #15
Feb 2010 App: Avengers: The Initiative #31
Feb 2010 App: Siege: The Cabal
Jun 2010 App: Siege: Loki
Feb 2010 App: Origins of Siege (Story 1)
Mar 2010 App: Siege #1
Mar 2010 App: Avengers: The Initiative #32
Apr 2010 App: New Avengers (Vol. 1) #62
Apr 2010 App: Thunderbolts #141
Mar 2010 App: Siege Embedded #1
Mar 2010 App: Dark Wolverine #82
Apr 2010 App: Dark Wolverine #83
May 2010 App: Dark Wolverine #84
Jun 2010 App: Siege: Secret Warriors
Apr 2010 App: Siege #2
Apr 2010 FB, Cameo: Fall of the Hulks Red Hulk #2
  Iron Partriot flashback cameo
Apr 2010 App: Avengers: The Initiative #33
May 2010 App: New Avengers (Vol. 1) #63
May 2010 App: Siege #3
Jun 2010 App: Siege: Captain America
May 2010 App: Avengers: The Initiative #34
Jun 2010 App: New Avengers (Vol. 1) #64
Jun 2010 App: Thunderbolts #143
Jun 2010 App: Siege #4
Jun 2010 App: Avengers: The Initiative #35
Jun 2010 App: Siege Embedded #4
Jun 2010 App: Dark Avengers #16
Jun 2010 FB, Cameo: Deadpool Corps #1
  Norman Osborn cameo
May 2010 App: Spider-Man Secret Wars #4
  Spidey defeats the Green Goblin in his dream world
Jul 2010 App: Enter the Heroic Age
Jul 2010 FB: Thor (Vol. 3) #610
  Flashback to Siege conclusion
Aug 2010 FB: Avengers Academy #1
  Flashback to some point within Dark Reign, Norman recruits Veil
Aug 2010 App: American Son #2
  Harry visits his father at the Raft
Sep 2010 FB: Avengers Academy #2
  Flashback to some point within Dark Reign
Sep 2010 FB: Vengeance of the Moon Knight #10
  Flashback to Norman Osborn during Dark Reign
Oct 2010 App: Avengers Academy #3
  Mettle, Hazmat, Veil attempt to kill Osborn in his prison cell
Oct 2010 Cameo: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #641 (Story 1)
  Green Goblin cameo amongst various villains
Nov 2010 App: Avengers Academy #4
  Norman makes a deal with Mettle, Hazmat, and Veil
Dec 2010 App: Avengers Academy #5
  Flashback to some point within Dark Reign
Oct 2010 App: American Son #4
  Norman, from the raft, manipulates Gabriel Stacy as the American Son
Jan 2011 App: Osborn #1
  Norman is transferred from the Raft to the S.C.C.
Feb 2011 App: Osborn #2
Mar 2011 App: Osborn #3
Apr 2011 App: Osborn #4
  Norman escapes the S.C.C.
May 2011 App: Osborn #5
  Norman hands himself over to authorities and returns to the Raft
Jun 2011 Cameo: Spider-Girl (Vol. 2) #6
Aug 2011 FB, Cameo: Annihilators #4
  Flashback to death of Skrull Queen
Nov 2011 FB, Cameo: New Avengers (Vol. 2) Annual #1
  Iron Patriot flashback/cameo
Nov 2011 Cameo: Thunderbolts #163.1
  Norman Osborn appears as statue on "Thunderbolts Mt. Rushmore"
Nov 2011 App: New Avengers (Vol. 2) #16.1
Dec 2011 App: New Avengers (Vol. 2) #17
Dec 2011 App: Avengers (Vol. 4) #18
Jan 2012 App: New Avengers (Vol. 2) #18
Jan 2012 App: Avengers (Vol. 4) #19
Date TBD FB, Cameo: X-Men Legacy #259
  Iron Patriot cameo
Feb 2012 App: New Avengers (Vol. 2) #19
Feb 2012 App: Avengers (Vol. 4) #20
Mar 2012 App: New Avengers (Vol. 2) #20
Date TBD FB, Cameo: Deadpool (Vol. 4) #49.1
  Norman appears in Deadpool musical
Apr 2012 App: New Avengers (Vol. 2) #21
Apr 2012 App: Avengers (Vol. 4) #22
May 2012 App: New Avengers (Vol. 2) #22
May 2012 App: Avengers (Vol. 4) #23
May 2012 App: Avengers (Vol. 4) #24
  Norman's failure with the Super-Adaptoid tech lands him in a 'deep coma'
May 2012 FB: New Avengers (Vol. 2) #23
  Flashback to events around the time of New Avengers (V2) #18
Oct 2012 App: Spider-Men #3
  Green Goblin appears as part of Mysterio's illusion
Dec 2012 Cameo: Spider-Men #5
Jan 2013 FB, Cameo: New Avengers (Vol. 2) #34
  Norman Osborn flashback with Dark Avengers
Apr 2013 App: Superior Spider-Man #4
  Green Goblin emerges from shadows
Jul 2013 App: Superior Spider-Man #10
Sep 2013 App: Superior Spider-Man #14
Oct 2013 App: Superior Spider-Man #15
Oct 2013 App: Superior Spider-Man #16
Nov 2013 App: Superior Spider-Man #17
  Norman appears as both Green Goblin and Mason Banks
Nov 2013 App: Superior Spider-Man #18
  Mason Banks and Green Goblin appear (disguised as the Hobgoblin)
Dec 2013 App: Superior Spider-Man #19
  Norman appears Mason Banks
Jan 2014 App: Superior Spider-Man #21
Jan 2014 App: Superior Spider-Man Annual #1
  Green Goblin appearance
Feb 2014 App: Superior Spider-Man #23
Feb 2014 App: Superior Spider-Man #24
  Green Goblin converts Carlie Cooper into 'Monster'
Mar 2014 App: Superior Spider-Man #25
Apr 2014 App: Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #9
  Green Goblin appearance
Mar 2014 App: Superior Spider-Man #26
  The Green Goblin shows his chest scar
May 2014 App: Superior Spider-Man Annual #2
  Norman's face shown on newspaper in Ben Urich's office
Apr 2014 App: Superior Spider-Man #27
  Green Goblin, Mason Banks appear, Flashback to death of Gwen Stacy
Apr 2014 App: Superior Spider-Man #28
May 2014 App: Superior Spider-Man #29
May 2014 App: Superior Spider-Man #30
Jun 2014 App: Superior Spider-Man #31 (Story 1)
  Norman Osborn reveals he is the Green Goblin and Mason Banks
Jan 2016 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #3
  As Norman Osborn with heavily bandaged face
Feb 2016 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #4
  As Norman Osborn with heavily bandaged face
Jan 2017 Cameo: Guardians of the Galaxy (Vol. 4) #14
  Green Goblin cameo (in Spidey's dream)
Mar 2017 FB, Cameo: Mosiac #4
  Green Goblin flashback/cameo
May 2017 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #25
Jun 2017 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #26
Jul 2017 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #27
Aug 2017 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #28
Nov 2017 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #32
Nov 2017 FB, Cameo: Venom (Vol. 4) #154
  Flashback to Norman with Gargan as a Thunderbolt
May 2018 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #794
  Norman acquires the Carnage symbiote
Jun 2018 App: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #795

Thanks To

 The assistance of the Marvel Chronology Project is gratefully acknowledged.

 Some of the above information is extracted from the various versions of the Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe and the more recent Marvel Encyclopaedias.

 In: Characters
 Posted: 2004
 Staff: Dave Sippel (E-Mail)
 Staff: Keith Moore (E-Mail)