Marvel Knights 2099 One-Shots

 Continuity: Earth-928 (2099)
 Title Date: Nov 2004
 Title Base: No Spider-Man

Marvel Knights 2099 is a collection of one-shot issues, all released at the same time and all written by "Walking Dead" creator Robert Kirkman, during his time at Marvel. None of the issues feature Spidey in the stories but each issue begins with the same frontispiece that includes a Spider-Man cameo.

  Black Panther 2099 #1
Summary: Spider-Man Reference (Generic Frontispiece)
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Kyle Hotz
Cover Art: Pat Lee (And Dreamwave Studios)
Colorist: Jose Villarrubia
  Daredevil 2099 #1
Summary: Spider-Man Reference (Generic Frontispiece)
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Pencils: Karl Moline, Mike Perkins
Inker: Rick Magyar
Cover Art: Pat Lee (And Dreamwave Studios)
Colorist: Nick Bell
  Inhumans 2099 #1
Summary: Spider-Man Reference (Generic Frontispiece)
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Cliff Rathburn
Cover Art: Pat Lee (And Dreamwave Studios)
Colorist: J. Rauch
  Mutant 2099 #1
Review:  No Review Yet
Summary: Spider-Man Reference (Generic Frontispiece)
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Pencils: Khary Randolph
Inker: Matt Ryan
Cover Art: Pat Lee (And Dreamwave Studios)
Colorist: J. Rauch, Kanila Tripp
  Punisher 2099 #1
Review:  No Review Yet
Summary: Spider-Man Reference (Generic Frontispiece)
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Pop Mhan
Cover Art: Pat Lee (And Dreamwave Studios)
Colorist: Val Staples
 Continuity: Earth-928 (2099)
 Title Date: Nov 2004
 Title Base: No Spider-Man