Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four (Vol. 2)

 Continuity: Earth-616 (Mainstream)
 Title Level: SM Core Title

The story starts in the 60s, showing an early meeting of Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four while the latter are on assignment protecting none other than Dr. Doom; After all, he has diplomatic immunity. Of course, things all go pear-shaped when Namor shows up with an Atlantean army. And if that sounds like there’s a lot going on, well, the issue itself is even more complicated, but in a good way.

Since the series will be visiting characters at several points in their history, Gage has apparently chosen to deliberately ape the style of that era. Admittedly, we won’t know until next issue, but it’s not difficult to see what he’s trying. Thought balloons feature prominently, the character drama has that light, 60s touch, and the plot itself wouldn’t be out of place in any Stan Lee book. Gage’s version of Doom is an absolute riot, while he gives Spider-Man the kind of snappy dialogue that makes every page fun to read.

  Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four (Vol. 2) #1
Review:  No Review Yet
Story: “Crisis on Campus!”
  Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four (Vol. 2) #2
Review:  No Review Yet
Story: “Symbiosis”
  Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four (Vol. 2) #3
Review:  No Review Yet
Story: “Bizarre Love Triangle”
  Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four (Vol. 2) #4
Review:  No Review Yet
Story: “Family Values”
 Continuity: Earth-616 (Mainstream)
 Title Level: SM Core Title