Spider-Man Strip!

 In: Rave > 2002
 Posted: 2002
 Staff: Al Sjoerdsma (E-Mail)

This is for the guy who asked me about the Spider-Man newspaper strip who never got an answer because I lost his e-mail address. (Sorry about that, whoever you are!)

The Amazing Spider-Man newspaper strip by Stan Lee and Larry Leiber is available in hundreds of daily papers but the only ones I can empirically vouch for are the Washington Post and the Detroit News. If you don't have it in your local rag, you can find it at the website for King Features Syndicate (www.kingfeatures.com). The good news is that the site gives you a month worth of strips and prints them in color. The bad news is that they are two weeks behind and don't reprint Sundays.

 In: Rave > 2002
 Posted: 2002
 Staff: Al Sjoerdsma (E-Mail)